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Dana Taggart The Big Bro i Never Had January 6, 2013
zach, dude, i miss you soooo much.thats what ill start with. its been 2 years already since youve been gone, and i still think about you all the time. i just cannot let you go, but hell, why would i? you loved me like a sister. ill never forget when you told me that. i first met you when you were 13 or 14. and i remember being like, 11 that i had the biggest crush on you, lol. but didnt we all at some point? cannot forget the shinanagins we always got into. you were my favorite person to get in triouble with. we always had a good time. like pool hoppin with mickey in gagetown when we were camping with the family? or when you did that thing when you pretended to pull a rope arcoss the road when a car was coming. lol. little hellions is what we were. i could go on and on and on about good times with you, for real. ive told everyone our stories, some i didnt even know i remembered! i just like to keep the spirit of you alive  by retelling our stories. i mean, even when people ask about the huge scar on my leg. i used to hate it, but now, its a reminder of you. when you went to the hospital with my n held my hand as i cried like a baby as i was getting stitches. but you thought it was the koolest thing ever. lol. though crying in front of you was embarassing because you were so big n strong, im soooo happy you were there. after a while of being tight as a family, our parents, who were bestfriends, got into a fight n we stopped hanging out n talking as much. it really sucks that that happen because i dont even remember the lasst words i said to you. :'( i miss you like crazy. n zachary, it may sound selfish, but i would sell my soul to get you back here. just so i could be with you for one last day. so your family could see you for one last day. i mean damn, you put a smile on everyones face when you were present. what sucks the most aboyut time without you, is a feel like no one cares anymore, i know they do. but sometimes... ya know? i guess thats how it is when people die though huh? they die, people get sad, n keep on living. its not like theres anything else you can do. youre the closest person in my life that has died zachary, and handling it was tereible. sometimes is now. sometimes, i cry for hours just thinkin about ya,. yeah, even still. i just wanna let5 you know, im naming my first boy after you. his name is going to be Zachary Dillon. i cannot wait for you to see him:) or for him to see you. and to tdell him how much of an amazing guy you were.
ill love you forever zach. ill never forget you, i promise. <3
Jonny Wilson A good friend April 10, 2012
Zach you were one of the best friends ive ever had. It seemed like everytime I was at your house we were doing something crazy, and always showed me moves from wrestling or teaching me what to do in a fight. Those memories ill never forget buddy! I wish we could of hungout more after you switched schools Frown. We had alot of fun riding bikes too and builing ramps in    your back yard and riding dirtbikes. Im proud to say ive quit smoking weed and drinking so i can foucus on my career to become a Marine. I heard you were slowing down on partying too and doing better in school. I seen that you got back into football too i wish i could of came to watch you play and jack some kids up! Laughing I remeber in like 6th grade you didnt like me at all and im glad that changed and we got to be really good friends. Keep watchin over all of us till we meet again. I love you Zach.

P.S: Want to play college hockey Laughing lol Much love bro 
Kayla Barnes <3 March 22, 2012
Zach I cant believe its been a year since you've been gone and it feels like yesterday, I miss seeing you at T.J's house and we'd go for bike rides and hang out outside. You taught me alot and just cant believe i wont be able to hear your voice or see your face eny more. You taught my brother Brandon how to wrestle and he is doing great! getting 1st place and second thanks to you. I miss you bro! R.I.P.
vera karl ... February 1, 2012
i remember the first time me and Zach met. I was with my Uncle Chris at the race he was in with Adam Sr. we all sat there had a lil BBQ and had a good luagh. That's when Adam Jr. n my brother hung out a lot. I miss those days... I miss you Zach!..
Ocean <3 December 9, 2011
I still remember hanging out with you at my Uncle Mikes and how you would chase Derik around the yard with random tools just to see his reaction. i miss you like crazy kiddo youll always be a BAMF <3 RIP
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